– Research Interests –
Here in the psychometrics lab, we believe one of the greatest problems facing the world of I/O psychology is poor measurement. This is a problem because it means we can not always trust our results as much as much as we should be able to.
Noting this problem, our research focuses on, developing, validating, utilizing and improving tools for psychological measurement. This includes developing nuanced ways to statistically model various measurement instruments as well as working on more basic scale development issues.

“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.”
– H. James Harrington
– Areas That Fascinate Us –
Careless Responses
One of the greatest limitations of survey validity is careless responding. The more we can do to ameliorate this issue, the more efficient & effective research and workplace surveying can become.
From identifying patterns of careless responding to performing meta-analyses, our lab seeks to make progress toward understanding this problem and developing solutions.
Advancing Measurement
Shockingly, many modern surveys are no more sophisticated than paper surveys, pasted onto the internet with no further advancement. Therefore, we find it important to help advance and modernize our survey methods.
Through the development and implementation of Rapid Response Measures (RRM), our lab has taken steps to minimize issues in self-report tools, such as social desirability bias.
Supervision & Personality
Much of what we know about employee attitudes toward supervisors comes from survey tools, moreover, current personality research largely revolves around self-report data.
Thus we find it imperative to utilize and improve these tools to better understand workplace relationships and their nuances. At present, we are researching destructive leadership behaviors and dark personalities.

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